Elementary 1 (6-9) & Elementary 2 (9-12)
What sets Montessori apart in the Elementary years—ages 6 – 12—is the individually paced curriculum that challenges children academically and safeguards their well-being and sense of self. Engaging as contributing members of a respectful community, they learn to question, think critically, and take responsibility for their own learning—skills that will support them in later education and in life. Elementary aged children typically can be characterized by their curious minds, their ability to abstract and imagine, their moral and social orientation and their energy for research and exploration. Elementary children work individually, in small, mixed-age groups on a variety of projects which spark the imagination, engage the intellect, and develop their reasoning abilities.
Elementary studies build knowledge through an in-depth study of the world and how it works. Studies are integrated across disciplines that include geography, biology, history, language, mathematics, science, music, and other forms of artistic expression. Exploration of each area is augmented by the children, who organize visits beyond the confines of the classroom to gain real-life knowledge from community resources, such as the library, planetarium, botanical garden, science center, factory, hospital, etc. This approach fosters a feeling of connectedness to humanity and encourages children’s natural desire to make a contribution to the world.